Why should I invest in interview coaching?

“My skills are the perfect match. My resume has exactly what they are looking for. Why aren’t I getting the job?”

Sound familiar?

We’ve all been there.

Maybe they went internal, maybe they woke up on the wrong side of the bed, or maybe you didn’t answer The Big Question.

Why are YOU the best solution to THEIR problem?

The confident interviewee will always be able to answer this, even when the employer doesn’t ask.

For employers, there may be any number of candidates who are technically qualified for a job. Your skill set should be made clear on paper via your resume and previous accomplishments, employers, and education. And, while in an interview there may be questions lobbed to assess your qualifications, we primarily conduct interviews to get to know a person, not their credentials. 

You’ve likely heard, “business isn’t personal,” and while it’s true that boundaries between the personal and professional are critical in any workplace, companies live and die on culture, communication, and team dynamics. When considering a candidate, employers (should) ask themselves, “is this the kind of person I want to be in the trenches with? Will I be glad it’s them I have to put in extra hours with after an already long week? Does this person ‘speak the same workplace language’ as me?” 

At the end of the day, an interview is your opportunity to paint the picture of who you are. (And, for what it’s worth, for the employer to do the same.)

Interview coaching will help you develop your own unique professional and personal narrative. Through a series of exercises we’ll identify the anecdotes, examples, and reflections that highlight you best. And we’ll practice how you present them. We’ll cut the fillers “um” and “like” along the way. You’ll grow more confident in your ability to sell yourself and your narrative will become your secret tool kit. With it, you’ll be prepared to answer any question from the obvious to the curveball. (Say goodbye to your canned, “I’m a perfectionist” answer to the “what are your weaknesses” question.)

Who we serve:

  • College applicants: Undergraduate and graduate programs

  • Entry stage job seekers: Internships, first jobs, 1-5 years workforce experience

  • Director stage job seekers: Mid career, managers, rising leadership, 5+ years workforce experience

  • Executive stage job seekers: Leadership, managing managers, 15+ years workforce experience

  • Career pivoting job seekers: Changing industries, switching departments within current employer

  • People returning to workforce: Going back to work after a time of extended absence


  • Sure, you could just read a bunch of articles, but that’s a one-way street. With coaching, you’ll receive personalized feedback, training, and strategizing. We’ll work together on the areas you feel you need the most help, and the things you may not even realize are holding you back.

  • You could. In fact, you should, because practice makes progress. But, our sessions together will provide you unbiased feedback, constructive critique, and strategies to get it right when things just aren’t working. And besides, how many interviews has your dog conducted?

  • A little. Thinking on your feet is hard. Homework exercises will allow you to get your thoughts and ideas out in a lower stakes setting. Plus, putting pen to paper helps us remember things later. Together, we’ll take your homework and edit it together into your narrative toolkit.

  • General coaching is the first step and great for the candidate conducting a broad job search. We’ll develop your narrative and improve your delivery technique.

    In custom interview prep we’ll work together to prepare for a specific role with a specific employer. We’ll arm you with research on your prospective company and practice exercises tailored to their unique sensibilities.

  • Yes. Regardless of industry, nailing your story is a critical factor in the successful interview. We’ve helped actors, surgeons, lawyers, and beyond with this method. Additionally, Kober Coaching has a vast network of multi-industry specialists to support unique needs if they arise.